“Inclusion is Everybody’s Job that Anybody Can Do.”

Yvette Steele

  • Founder

    Yvette Steele is a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leader building inclusive and equitable workplaces one employee at a time. Her belief that “inclusion is everybody’s job that anybody can do” was the catalyst of the book “Impactful Inclusion Toolkit: 52 Activities to Help You Learn and Practice Inclusion Everyday in the Workplace.”

    Since entering the workforce in the late 1980’s, she was frequently the only African American woman on the team or one of a few where bias, sexism, racism and prejudice were served daily making it impossible to consistently perform at her best.

    Decades later, these issues persist with the same intensity where many are disempowered to maximize their potential. In this time of increased awareness of unfair systems and practices plaguing people of color, individuals with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and others, her book provides the roadmap to acquire the skills needed to create cultures of equity, inclusion and belonging.

    Yvette was recognized as a diversity thought leader on the inaugural Channel Futures DE&I 101 List for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion through words, actions, and leadership and has served on the DEI Advisory Committee for YMCA-USA, Tech Advisory Board Steering Committee for the National Urban League, and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force for Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.

    You'll find her calling out the issues and providing solutions on diversity and workforce focused podcasts, blogs, news articles and panel discussions to include the Wall Street Journal, the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the ChannelPro Network. A native Chicagoan and graduate of Chicago State University, she lives in Chicago with her husband and children.


How Do We Become More Inclusive?

Inclusion starts with the letter I, and our journey to inclusion begins with a shift in our thoughts and behaviors. We must ask ourselves two questions - what must I stop thinking/doing that excludes others, and what can I start thinking/doing so others are included? Our answers and subsequent actions range from the very simple to the very complex. DEI Insider is on a mission to build a world of Inclusionists - individuals who strive to be inclusive of others every day. We’re here to help you launch your inclusion journey by providing information and insights that empower you to make a difference. Join our LinkedIn Group - Champions of Inclusion to connect with other inclusionists.