The Practice of

Impactful Inclusion

Leading Inclusively

Today’s leaders must strive for equitable and inclusive cultures to achieve the promises of a diverse workforce. Whether you lead a team or an organization, the Impactful Inclusion Toolkit will help you as well staff understand their role in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Engage staff with weekly micro learnings that reinforce organizational DEI trainings and workshops long after they have ended. Leverage activities in courageous conversation sessions, onboarding, and employee resource groups (ERGs). The more you and your staff exhibit behaviors and attitudes that foster inclusion and belonging, the greater the team cohesion, creativity, and ability to innovate.

Working Inclusively

The workplace is better for all when everyone feels included and valued for who they are. Sadly, many of us work at organizations that are not yet bought into embracing the various differences that make us unique. The change we need to see starts with leaders. The Impactful Inclusion Toolkit equips you to lead where you stand by introducing a new competency each week that empowers you to be more inclusive in day to day interactions with coworkers, clients and customers. Over time, you’ll become more aware of personal attitudes, beliefs, and biases that create exclusive work cultures and what to do about them. The change starts with you!

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